"All centre recognition criteria are met. There are sufficient qualified and experienced assessors and verifiers to support the delivery and assessment of all programmes. Assessors are risk assessed and verification is adjusted accordingly. The CPD of assessors and verifiers is recorded and monitored on a regular basis. The centre keep all up to date records electronically, all candidate files and records are backed up electronically and comply with Data Protection. Examination of programme files and discussion with staff during the visit confirmed this.
Candidates are provided with a memory stick which contains the relevant standards, and candidate handbook. This contained all relevant policies and procedures such as induction, Health & Safety and a detailed appeals procedure. Examining past Candidates electronic files it was clear that they had experienced regular contact with their assessors, and progress had been monitored.
There is a well run and managed electronic portfolio system that has worked well for both the centre and the candidates. All the activities had been mapped to the assessment criteria of the units in the qualification. There was evidence on past candidates portfolios of holistic assessment planning with a variety of assessment methods used and detailed two way feedback provided. The IV strategy had a clear rationale in place for sampling and was timely and it was clear that the Internal verification provided effective support to assessors.
Evidence was available to show past electronic portfolios were well presented and had a clear audit trail. Registration and certification is managed centrally and candidate feedback is sought during and after the learning. No significant failings at this centre"