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A number of strengths were identified during the assessment, which are detailed below.  The numbers in brackets refer to the element and criteria of the matrix Standard.

  • Partnerships with employers and training providers in the context of the emerging EPAO service is particularly strong. CAL has set out to be customer rather than process focused and this is already proving helpful for learners and employers as well as floor laying training providers. The IAG is helping to achieve mutual objectives. (1.8)

  • Quality assurance is strong with CAL having achieved ISO9001 in 2020. There are robust processes for quality improvement planning and for the quality assurance of information materials. This ensures that all parties can be assured of the most up to date and accurate information. (2.2 / 4.5)

  • There has been significant investment in technology that is improving the IAG offered by CAL. As well as investment in IT infrastructure for staff use during Covid-19 remote working, such as Drop Box Professional, the new App has also been heavily invested in by the Director. The result is that learners have access to an App packed full of guides, resources, videos and support / welfare information. (3.5 / 4.7)

  • Service delivery approaches are very supportive and non-judgmental. This encourages learners to become more confident and aspirational. Many of the learners have a range of employment barriers to progression to overcome in order to achieve their potential. Support is holistic and is centred on work and life goals. Combining learners’ and their employers’ interests with IAG techniques embedded in the variety of activities provided ensures incremental planning to help realise longer term goals. Learner testimony during the assessment pointed to the value they placed on being listened to and not being judged. (3.4 / 3.5)


 Susan Smith| Matrix| 20/10/2020


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